Margamkali Dance
Maargamkali is an ancient art form performed by the Syrian Christians of Kerala. It is most popular among the Knanaya sect of Christians. The term Maargam is representative of the Christian Community. This word which has the meaning ‘enquiry’, ‘path’ or ‘religion’ is popular in Buddhism. Nobody can reach the Father without me; makes clear, the essence of the word Maargam.
Performance— Maargamkali is performed only by men. The attire of the dancers is simple. They wear Gold bordered dhotis and have turbans with gold border. A red colored cloth serves as waist band. No ornaments are worn by these men. Since this art form is now performed by young girls, they have started wearing jewels. The coin necklace is worn around the neck. The large traditional Christian earrings known as Mekkamothiram are worn in both the ears. Big broad bangles and large anklets adorn the hands and the legs. The palms of these women dancers are reddened by applying Henna.