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Daily Archives: March 2, 2012

Mizoram folk dance

Dances of Mizoram reflect the cultural vibrancy of the place. Deriving inspiration from the natural beauty of the hilly terrains, the dances of Mizoram are synonymous to the multi-cultural aura of Mizoram some dances of Mizoram are (Khuallam, Cheraw, Sarlamkai, Chawnglaizawn, Tlanglam, Zangtalam, etc.) Khuallam Dance

Goa folk dance

The traditional dance of Goa gives a picture of the mindset and lifestyle of Goans. They reflect the rich historical and cultural legacy that Goa abounds in. Goa has a unique amalgamation of different cultures and the Goans dances portray this blend of different faiths

Meghalaya folk dance

Meghalaya dance forms an integral part of the culture of Meghalaya. The festivities in Meghalaya seem to be incomplete without dancing and music. Dance in Meghalaya forms an important part of the Meghalaya society: birth, marriage, annual festivals, etc. some of the Meghalaya dance are (shad sukmysiem, shad nongkrem,

Uttaranchal folk dance

The folk-lore of Uttaranchal, indeed the lives of the people are filled with dancing. it is as important for them as wearing clothes. it is must for their life. For them the Gods can be influenced by dances not to fail man. The art of

Andhra Pradesh folk dance

Andhra Pradesh is also the proud owner of some of the most beautiful famous dance forms like (Kuchipudi, burrakatha, veerannatyam, butlabommalu, Dappu, Tappet gullu, Lambadi, Bonalu, Dhimsa, kolattam, etc.). It offers a variety of performing arts unique to its culture. The Dance forms of Andhra Pradesh take on

Madhya Pradesh folk dance

The state of Madhya Pradesh can be termed as a cultural museum of India. The place not only unifies many religions in its lap, but is also home to some of the most prominent tribal communities of the country. In fact, the tribal culture in

Jammu and Kashmir folk dance

Kashmir is famous not only for its scenic beauty but also for its traditional dances. Kashmiri people celebrate their festivities with a number of Kashmiri folk dances. The folk dances and music of the Kashmir valley form an important part of the Kashmiri culture. Some of

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